Wanted: Outdoor Photographers

Do you like to take yourself and your gear to the limits? If so, you might be interested in photographing some of your adventures with SOTO products and sharing them with the world. Here’s how it works:

SOTO is always looking for images of outdoor enthusiasts using their products. The images will be included in SOTO’s catalog, distributed to retailers at both the Outdoor Retailer Show in the U.S. as well as the OutDoor Show in Germany. These are the world’s 2 largest outdoor retailer shows. Buyers, media, retailers and others entrenched in the lifestyle attend these shows in search of everything adventurous. SOTO attends both the winter and summer shows in these places, distributing a catalog showcasing images of products in a variety of settings.

SOTO invites you to submit photos of your expeditions for possible inclusion in the catalog or the website. In return, SOTO will credit your photo with your name, title (if desired) and contact information. 

If you are interested, simply email your pictures to sotousainc@gmail.com for consideration. If selected, someone from SOTO will contact you for permission to use your image either on their website or in their catalog. 

The entire team at SOTO looks forward to many years of providing you with dependable flaming devices sparked by extreme weather conditions.

When your outdoor adventures demand ultimate performance of both individual and gear, you will be glad that you chose SOTO.